100 people died when the Falaba was torpedoed.

 St Martin and St Meriadoc, Camborne, Cornwall
(Click on an image for a larger version)

There was a massive churchyard behind the, locked, church but as the foliage is only mown twice a year much of the site was unsafe to survey.
 The Falaba was a 5,000 ton British passenger-cargo ship. It was sunk on 28 March 1915 by the German submarine U-28, which was commanded by Baron Forstner. Falaba was off the southern Irish coast when U-28 surfaced and stopped the British ship. U-28 fired a single torpedo into Falaba, resulting in 100 deaths, including that of one US citizen, Leon Thresher, a mining engineer headed towards the Gold Coast in Africa (now the country of Ghana).  
Visited - June 2014

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